Friday, 3 July 2020



There is one problem that plagues beginner and advanced Android owners alike  the cursed Unfortunately, (fill in app name here) has stopped error message blah blah blah blah.............
It appears when you're in the middle of using an app, and then forces that app to close.

Annoying, right? Fortunately, there is a way to stop it.Here's how to fix Unfortunately, app has stopped errors.

Clear out the app's storage

This problem often arises with the contacts, gallery and launcher apps.
The procedure to fix this is generally always the same.
First, navigate to Settings on your device.
Go to Applications Application manager Swipe left until you find the All tab.
Scroll down to the app that's causing problems and tap on it. Here you will find the Clear data and Clear cache options.
Clear cache is the option you should start with.
It will get rid of saved data that allows apps to load a little quicker when you launch them.
Clearing it means the app will open a little slower, but your main problem might well be solved.Clearing an app's cache can often solve the 'app has stopped' problem.

Well don't worry if that doesn't work on your phone you can go for option 2 (you read right, there is an option 2 waiting for you just scroll down)

Clear App Data

Clear data will erase all the app's data, including files, settings and accounts, so don't use this unless you have to.This will totally work that I guarantee.To clear app data just repeat same procedures of option 1 but this time choose clear data instead of cache.

If this doesn't work too, well, worry not cause I got you covered with option 3

Uninstall and reinstall the app from Google Play Store

Uninstall and reinstall the app If the app isn't built-in, you can also try uninstalling it and then reinstalling it from the Google Play Store.Simply open the Play Store app, open the menu bar on the left hand side and tap on My apps.Find the app and hit Uninstall, which takes a few seconds. Afterwards, you can install it again.

I'm sure by now your problem must been solved. If not, well, there is only one possible solution left which will be option 4 but I don't usually recommend this. To go for this option make sure you have tried all 3 above options.

Do a factory reset ( )

When doing a factory reset, ensure that you have backed up all of your data beforehand.To do this download BackUp apk. You can use this link to download App and Data Backup apk. This will backup all your apps and contacts to your sdcard so make sure you got plenty of space in your sdcard.Why backup data.This is because factory reset will wipe your device and set it back to factory defaults, taking everything, including any bugs (those causing your device to malfunction), with it. You can restore your apps and data afterwards easily, as long as you've made a backup. If you got problems on resetting your phone to factory default check my other posts on doing a safe factory reset.

This is Dark Zegg from Ndabs-tEch Industries.Thank you for reading this and I hope your problem has been fix.Bye


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